This message only appears for WiFi modules if unlaunch is NOT installed. If you have unlaunch, look at this alternative:

- Title overflows can also cause a similar looking error


The DSi immediately boots to "an error has occurred."

This can happen if the installed WiFi module and firmware are incompatible.


If you have the DWM-W015 WiFi module, the error is caused by something else. The DWM-W015 version is compatible with all firmwares.

If you have the DWM-W024 or J27H020 WiFi modules, you will need to either replace them with a DWM-W015 or upgrade your firmware to v1.4 or higher. These boards are not compatible with anything prior to v1.4.

The WiFi module types are shown below. From top to bottom: DWM-W015, DWM-W024, J27H020